The Fashion Spot Momtastic

The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #4

Posted 02/18/11 at 02:28PM by Audrey Fine

The Product: Osmotics Necollete Age Reversal for Neck & Chest

The Price: $75

The Promise: "Restructures the thin, fragile skin of the neck and decollete. Firms, smoothes and tightens. Visibly improves creases, wrinkles and uneven skin tone."

The Ingredients: Hyaluronic acid and "powerful" peptides are cited as two of the key ingredients.

The Real Deal: I've been feeling bad about my neck for a while now and live in fear of getting a turkey waddle. So, when I came across this jar of Necollete I ripped open the packaging and sussed it out then and there. Not only did I fall in love with the thick cream the minute I touched it (I'm a sucker for a rich consistency), but my passion for it has only increased in the weeks since. I apply it twice daily to my neck and chest and have definitely noticed a more taut feeling on the skin beneath my chin. And, while I don't have photographic proof, I'd say that there's been marked improvement in the sunspots that mar my decollete.

The Upshot: Based on the results I've had, I'll definitely keep using Necollete, will continue to buy it and recommend it to friends (and you, of course).

Have a favorite product that you want to brag about? Here's your forum. (See last week's VIP pick.)

And, if you, too, are struggling a bit with the aging process, this post about how I'm really trying to age gracefully may help ease the pain.
And the survey says...
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