The Fashion Spot Momtastic

The VIP (Very Impressive Product) Pick of the Week #49

Sarah Carrillo

Posted 06/15/12 at 02:22PM by Sarah Carrillo

The Product: Fekkai PrX Reparatives Intensive Fortifying Mask

The Price: $49

The Company Spiel: "Deeply restores smooth, natural shine while strengthening against styling and chemical damage."

The Real Deal: My hair is toast. I fry and bleach the beetlejuice out of it and expect it to look great. Guess what? It doesn't. That's why I recently decided to either cut it all off or invest in making it look better. Since I'm just about through growing out my last pixie cut, I went with the latter option. I knew this could be a pricey proposition but decided to research which reparative formulas work best. After reading a bunch of online reviews and editorial write-ups, I decided to go with the Fekkai Fortifying mask. I've always had a weakness for the debonair Monsieur Fekkai, but that had nothing to do with my plunking down 50 bucks for his hair potion. It was the combination of "keratin protection" and "damage restoration" ingredients he and his team chose to best save fragile, porous hair. And, guess what? Old Freddy is more than a pretty face. This stuff works like a charm. Almost instantly my hair felt quenched. Like it was no longer thirsting for moisture. It got less straw-like and markedly shinier after just a couple of uses.

The Upshot: YES, it is expensive. BUT, a little goes a long way, so the jar will last you for a month if you use it on your hair a few times a week. For me, the expenditure is worth it -- even if I have to scrimp or cut out other beauty items.

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1-3 of 3 Comments
  • Posted by misschanel67 on 08/31/12 at 07:02pm

    Love to try this but way too expensive for me. Maybe one of these days I'll try it. I have put a sample of it on my hair at the mall. And it made my hair soft.

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  • Posted by ladyboarder9669 on 06/22/12 at 07:53pm

    I Love Fekkai products! I haven't tried the mask but it looks amazing!

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  • Posted by alictasia on 06/20/12 at 05:06pm

    I hate to say it, but it seems like you could find something for about half the price if you shopped around some. I'm afraid you are paying more for the name. I LOVE checking the sales at SALLY'S, but even the REDKIN EXTREME line is less expensive than this and is awesome.

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