The Fashion Spot Momtastic
The Kitchen Appliance That's Made for Parents MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

A lot of interviewers ask me parenting advice like I actually know what I'm doing. It's really cute. These days, I say get yourself a good-quality blender. If you have picky eaters in your family, it's so easy to add nutrient-rich produce to soups and smoothies to make them stealthily nutritious -- and your kids will be none the wiser. I heartily recommend you buy a well-made blender a la my beloved Vitamix and see what fruits and veggies you can sneak into the kiddies' food.   read more


July 24, 2014  |  10:07 AM  |  1 COMMENT
The Beauty Product Ingredients I Want in My Medicine Cabinet MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

If you're like me, you read the label of every beauty product you buy. After all, what you put on your skin ultimately makes its way into your body. But interpreting the ingredients list on a beauty product is a little bit like trying to read a brand-new foreign language made up of 25-letter words. To give you a hand in the beauty product aisle, I'll tell you the ingredients I look for in my skin-care products.   read more


July 22, 2014  |   9:07 AM  |  COMMENT
The App That Changed the Way I Shop for Groceries MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

Nobody really likes grocery shopping -- I love hitting the farmers market, but not the indoors, up-and-down-the- aisles kind of grocery shopping. So if there's a way to spice up my weekly trip to the market, I'll totally take it. And I just found one: Dirty Dozen.   read more


July 17, 2014  |   9:07 AM  |  COMMENT
3 Tips to Keep Eczema at Bay MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

I'm blessed (read: sarcasm) with eczema. It's itchy. It's ugly. It sucks. To all my fellow eczema sufferers out there, you know what I'm talking about. I'm not a doctor and I don't even play one on TV (although I think I would love saying all of that jargon), there are a few things I do to keep my own eczema in check.   read more


July 15, 2014  |  10:07 AM  |  15 COMMENTS
The Perfect (Healthy) Cup of Coffee MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

I love my morning coffee. The smell. The taste. The ritual. But all cups of coffee are not created equal, and I'm partial to cold-brewed coffee. You see, when you heat coffee beans, they become acidic and bitter. And that extra acid isn't good for your system -- it creates inflammation and can funk up your stomach. Plus, heating water requires electricity while cold brewing is carbon-neutral. Overall, it's a much gentler process and results in a milder cup of joe -- for you and the planet.   read more


July 11, 2014  |  10:07 AM  |  14 COMMENTS
Hi, My Name Is Kristen Bell, and I'm a Dry Shampoo Addict MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

My hair was naturally stick-straight until I had a baby, and now I have some texture -- mainly in the back, which is kind of weird, but whatever -- and I love it. Once I get my wavy hair to look cute instead of wonky, I want the waves to last as long as possible. That's where dry shampoo comes in.   read more


July 9, 2014  |   9:07 AM  |  7 COMMENTS
It's Easy Eating Green (Especially With a Blender) MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I like easy. I enjoy getting a little domestic -- cooking, gardening -- and I love eating healthfully, but suffice it to say I don't have all day. On days when I'm filming, I work super-long hours; I have a child who thrives on routine and gets bigger and faster every day. Time is not an unlimited resource.   read more


July 8, 2014  |   9:07 AM  |  18 COMMENTS
A Natural Deodorant That Really Works MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

Switching to aluminum-free deodorant has been one of the most important natural product swaps I've made. Because you apply deo directly on top of your lymph nodes (part of your immune system), I believe that natural is a healthier choice.   read more


July 8, 2014  |   9:07 AM  |  9 COMMENTS
Why Getting All Martha Stewart-y Is Easier Than You Think MIND.BODY.NATURAL BEAUTY.

When it comes to living a more eco-conscious lifestyle, it's the easiest thing in the world to say, "Nobody has time for that." Allow me to blow your mind: It's easier than you think! There are so many small changes you can make to be greener that don't require extra time, effort or money. They may take even less time, effort or money than what you're doing now -- and who doesn't love that?   read more


July 8, 2014  |   9:07 AM  |  14 COMMENTS
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