The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Forget Eye Makeup, Die Hard Gaga Fans Have Gone To Extremes to Get Her Wide-Eyed Look

Posted on August 24, 2010, 11:50 AM

Little monsters everywhere have taken to wearing contact lenses to replicate the singer's anime-style look -- but they're not safe.

Forget Eye Makeup, Die Hard Gaga Fans Have Gone To Extremes to Get Her Wide-Eyed Look

Lady Gaga devotees, a.k.a. "Little Monsters," have done much to emulate their idol's look, trying different makeup looks, tweaking their wardrobes and, now, wearing special contact lenses to impart the anime-style wide-eyed (digitally altered) look she showcases in the video for "Bad Romance."

The hiccup? The lenses are dangerous.

According to Britain's Daily Mail, "Experts are worried that the unsupervised use of the lens could lead to problems like eye infections, damage to vision, and even blindness."

The tabloid goes on to quote Dr Assumpta Madu, from the New York's Montefiore Medical Centre in New York who warns that 'There literally is potential for somebody to lose their vision within 24 hours from an infection."

The so-called "cirlcle lenses" are illegal in the U.S. but that hasn't stopped numerous little monsters from wearing them anyway. The New York Times quotes a 16 year-old girl from North Carolina who has 22 (!) pair and wears them regularly. 'I’ve noticed a lot of girls in my town have started to wear them a lot,' she said.

Yikes. What do you think? Would you ever follow a trend that could lead to potential blindness?


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