Lindsay Lohan's Nude Ad Campaign - The Troubled Actress Will Show Her Body
Posted on June 22, 2010, 10:23 PM
In another attempt to garner some attention, Lindsay Lohan will show her body in a nude ad campaign.

Looking a tad too orange at an event last June
According to LA Magazine, Lohan, who turns 24 on July 2nd, will pose in the buff to promote her 6126 line of purses. (6/1/26 was Marilyn Monroe's birthday.) There's only one problem. The shoot is scheduled to take place next month when our fair Lohan will still be wearing her court-ordered SCRAM bracelet.
Will they resort to the wonders of Photoshop or is being buck (butt?) naked except for your oh-so-chic alcohol/drug monitoring device the look she's going for?
"We're thinking of having police on hand so we can remove the ankle bracelet for the pictures," Richard Luna of The California Bag which licenses her line, told the magazine. Ah, Los Angeles taxpayers' dollars hard at work.
Of course, posing in the buff won't be much of a stretch for LiLo who strutted her stuff a couple of years ago as a naked Marilyn Monroe (think she's a little hung up on MM?) for a much ballyhooed spread in New York magazine. And, she's certainly not shy when it comes to flaunting her stuff for cameras.
One thing Lohan, who seems to have been laying off the sauce despite still frequent nightclub jaunts, could use for the upcoming shoot is some guidance in the self-tanning department. Girlfriend tends to lean towards the Paris Hilton shade of orange. (Here are some tricks to self-tan your body like a pro.) She could really take a hint or two from this list of Best Bronzed Celebrities. Who knows? Maybe she'll even make the cut next time we compile one Miracles DO happen, people!
