The Fashion Spot Momtastic

L'Oréal Paris Studio Downright Smooth Spray

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    L'Oreal Paris Studio Downright Smooth Spray

    Where is Sedated Downright Smooth??? Has it been removed from the L'Oreal Studio Line?? Can't find it anywhere. I'm not surprised,,,once i find something that works,,,it disappears and is gone from the market. If anyone knows where to find it, let me know! I live in NY Thanks
    JanneyG | 1 reviews

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    I cannot find this ANYWHERE !!!

    Can anyone please tell me where I can purchase this? I've looked in Wal-mart, Walgreens, and Albertson's so far, but no luck...I live in the Orlando, FL area. Thank You!
    PRODUCTNIRVANA | 14 reviews

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