The Fashion Spot Momtastic

TRESemme Bouncy Curls Defining Gel

17 Best Hair Gels

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Guest's Rating & Review

What makes this alcohol-free gel stand out above the rest is the fact that crunchy stiffness (which can be a problem with strong-hold gels) is blissfully absent. Expect to get plenty of shine along with a crisp, flowery scent, but don't expect to get "defined, bouncy ringlets" without setting hair in pin curls (unless you're naturally endowed with tight, thick curls). It takes quite a bit of product to get good definition on naturally wavy hair but luckily, the price is low.
Reviewed by special guest on 09/25/2008
  • 10


    This stuff is amazing, especially for the price! It is probobly tied with Herbal Essence Set Me Up gel for me. My two faves! This gel moisturizes my curls, makes them super shiny and yes actually BOUNCY like it says, Some gels seperate my curls more and give me tiny little curls all over my head but with this one larger sections of hair lock together and curl! It looks more natural than Herbal moreence I think but I still love Herbal Essence. This has a light smell and is just awesome. I used this after going swimming(CHLORINE=weeks to wash out and damaging to hair) and I washed my hair with TRESemme moisture rich shampoo and conditioner then put this in my hair and my curls looked amazing! I love this product! I'd also like to add I'm south asian and my curls are loose and wavy. Sometimes I have some spiral at the ends.
    BoxedCrayons | 42 reviews

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    i wasn't sure about this when i went to buy it. only because i heard gels could make your hair crunch and all. but this one didn't! only if you put on too much. it made my hair soft, like really soft. and it made my hair a lot curlier. which is a HUGE plus. i love it. will probably repurchase.
    kayellekay | 1 reviews

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