The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Essie Millionails Nail Care Treatment

Essie Millionails Nail Care Treatment

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  • 10

    If you want long nails . . .

    This was the "find" of my life (nails life). This is called the first step, but plan to stay on this step for several months. It is worth the price; it's going to be much more expensive later. I find the best way to use it is to "change" it on Wednesdays. All of the strengthener will not come off. In a few weeks (don't rush it) you will have stronger, longer nails. It is easy moreto use, and works well as a base coat before color, or a top coat after color. I let it build up for a week, then use a non-acetone product to remove the buildup. It's simply wonderful!
    LeChat | 31 reviews

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