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Essie Quick-E Drying Drops

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    Disappointed to say the least

    I am very impatient when it comes to nail drying and when I started reading about quick dry drops the first brand that came to mind was Essie. When I went to buy it they were sold out so I went for a different brand. The ones I tried worked so well I didn't even think to try Essie until they ran out. I grabbed the Essie ones this time and I am so disappointed. I wanted them to work so bad. They more reduce drying time I will give them that but it still takes a substantial time compared to the other brand I tried. And Essie costs more as well. I even tried the Essie drops with Essie nail polish and it still doesn't do enough to justify the purchase. I unfortunately will be exchanging these for the other brand.
    littlelaura | 52 reviews

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    I always hated painting my nails because it would FOREVER for my nails to dry. But then I heard about this product. One or two drops on each nail and the polish dries within a couple minutes so you can go back to regular activities.
    grace_eason | 9 reviews

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