The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Lancome Absolue Concealer

15 Best Concealers

Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 8

    its okay

    this was an okay concealer even though it is better than drugstore brands. it just didnt cover my dark circles enough for me.
    makeup4evR09 | 47 reviews

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  • 10

    Absolutely concealed

    Being a make-up (concealer and foundation) shy person - I found this perfect. It goes on very easily with a concealer brush and lasts all day. I never thought I needed a concealer and then read somewhere that any woman over the age of 40 that thinks that is fooling themselves - so I tried it and, geesh, what a difference. Isn't heavy or cakey or noticeable and I don't feel it on my skin which is the biggest best of all.
    Bellalak | 32 reviews

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  • 9 Worst Concealers

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Light and fit

    This product lightly covers up any imperfection you dont want showing on your face on a day to day basis. Concealers are usually to light or to dark but this one is pefect.
    LexiAnne | 5 reviews

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