The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    When i wear this i am in my vixen mode. It is warm not too fruity, and not to masculine. It is perfect for date nights, going out and it lasts a long time.
    DazedNdConfused | 40 reviews

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  • 13 Awful-Smelling Fragrances

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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    I love it

    And so does everyone else . I always get complements when I wear this one.
    21irene | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Dior Addict

    Sexy, powerful, ultra-feminine and just divine. Dior Addict is one of my favourites. I dropped almost a hundred on the biggest bottle I could find. It will last me forever, and it never seems to go bad because the bottle is dark and the light doesn't get to it easily. WONDERFUL fragrance, but definitely for the right type of woman. One who is confident, daring and knows what she wants.
    SkinQueen | 30 reviews

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  • 9

    one of my faves

    smells sooo good.. and lasts long
    davesgirl | 25 reviews

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    My absolute favorite perfume!

    I cannot even begin to describe this just smells YUMMY! Granted it won't smell the same on everyone, but I do agree with the other reviewrs who said it will get you noticed. When I wear it, people do look around and ask questions, and not in a bad way. As another reviewer stated you definitely need a light hand...the first time I wore it I found this out....a scent should not overpower or give headaches. A little will go a long way and it does last and last
    thefragile7393 | 15 reviews

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  • 6

    Too much

    This is not a fragrance for me... I tested it and it turned tobacco like and also a bit boozy... I smelled it on another lady and it was great. I guess it didnt work with my chemistry
    faith24 | 107 reviews

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  • 8

    Love it

    I chose this parfume by trying it from the magazine. Absolutely love it! People always ask me what perfume I wear that smells so nice.
    elenarussia | 1 reviews

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  • 13 Awful-Smelling Fragrances

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    love it!

    this fragrance will get you noticed- and asked what are you wearing that smells great!
    rherschell | 3 reviews

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