The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Dr. Hauschka Clarifying Toner

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  • 5

    not the best stuff around:/

    broke me out! thats a big turn off!
    breytiful | 10 reviews

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  • 7

    Refreshing, but that's it

    I wasn’t too impressed with this toner. I love Dr. Hauscka’s cleansing milk, but I just haven’t been impressed with either toner. The smell of this one isn’t unpleasant and my skin did feel a little softer after use, but that’s all. My pores never looked smaller and it didn’t help with the pimples I have. It is a very refreshing product and it lasts a long time, which makes the high price tag a little bit easier to deal with, but I don’t think I’ll be buying it again.
    mslupin | 26 reviews

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  • 8

    like it, don't love it

    while i use this product every day, i can't say that i think it makes that much difference to my skin on its own. however, as a part of my dr h. regimin (sp?) w/ normalizing day oil and eye cream, its very nice. a good middle of the day refresher, too.
    lilacskin | 5 reviews

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