The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Mason Pearson Tail Comb

Mason Pearson Tail Comb

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    Best Brushes Combs KeepBuy
    Kristinedavila | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    Great Comb!

    I love this comb! I use the tail end to part my hair and the teeth to smooth and section my hair for rollersetting. It gently removes all shed hair, but there is no snagging or pulling. Very essential tool in my hair arsenal. Well worth the price!
    Lavendar | 11 reviews

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    Awesome !!!!

    I adore this comb.I use the other end to part my hair.I gave it 9 stars just because the price is a whole lot ridiculous.But I'm sure it will last forever if taken care of
    K.A.KERR | 10 reviews

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