The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    i really, really hate this stuff! i was so excited to buy it because i was looking for a good exfoliant, but this is just terrible. i felt like when i was using this all it did was just spread the oil around my face and that's it. it seemed to leave a weird film on my face too and the very few times i used this i was always able to sort of "scrape" the leftover scrub off of my face if i lightly moreagged my fingernail over an area. i really wanted to like this scrub since it was MAC and i had read a lot of good reviews on it, but this didn't work for my skin. i don't know, maybe it didn't work well for me because i have incredibly oily skin and is only meant for normal skin, but i will definitely not be buying this stuff again. there's cheaper products out there that will do a better job than this stuff does.
    LMarie27 | 17 reviews

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  • 9

    Best Microderm

    This is the best formula I have ever tried in an exfoliator. Unfortunately, it's price makes it less likely for me to buy all the time.

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  • 6

    Decent scrub

    I do like this scrub, it works pretty well to exfoliate. I still don't think it compares to the Micro Delivery Peel from Philosophy. That's still the best scrub.
    carolbee68 | 5 reviews

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  • 9 Best At-Home Microdermabrasion Products

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  • 10

    Scrub HEAVEN

    This has got to be the best face scrub that I have used yet. It feels like Microdermabrasion for way cheaper. I will definitely keep buying this.
    pinklipgloss | 6 reviews

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  • 9

    LOVE IT!

    This is the next best thing to professional microdermabrasion! The first time I used it was a bit painful but by the second time I used it I was fine. It makes my skin baby soft while sloughing off dead skin and clogged pores. It's worked wonders on my oily/acne prone skin.
    BeautyObsession | 31 reviews

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  • 10

    Great product!

    This is an AWESOME exfoliator! I use it 3x week. It leaves my face very smooth. It doesn't irritate my sensitive (rosacea) skin. I would highly recommend this product!
    AmericanGirl4 | 20 reviews

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    This is expensive, but worth the splurge. My face has never felt so soft!
    DressedToKill | 145 reviews

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  • 9

    Great exfoliator

    I love this product! It helps to exfoliate skin gently. Skin feels smooth and refreshed after using the refinisher. I use it 3 times a week for soft, glowing skin.
    blue_id_qt | 5 reviews

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  • 10


    I absolutely love this product! It feels like you're getting a great exfoliating scrub without it hurting or the pieces dragging on your skin. I love to do this every few days right before I put a face mask on so that whatever mask Im using can really penetrate without having to get through all the dead skin. my skin feels clean refreshed and glowy after I use this! Its also great to use before sunless tanner! I love this product, and it is worth every penny!
    xxsgtigressxx | 10 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  4 of 4 people said helpful

  • 9 Best At-Home Microdermabrasion Products

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Highly Recommended!

    This is a great product to use every few days when going through your daily face wash routine. It last for an very long time ... the best value for a "at home" microdermabrasion treatment!
    ikandy | 6 reviews

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