The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Lumene Premium Beauty Age Spot Treatment

Lumene Premium Beauty Age Spot Treatment

12 Best and Worst At-Home Facial Peels

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  • 10


    I'm hopping to have the same results as you did. I bought it at a good prize so i hope i can see the results very soon, it doesn't burn or itch. Apply directly to the spot day and night and hopefuly see result in just days. I'll keep in touch to tell you what happened!!! wish me luck
    hildamusic | 19 reviews

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  • 10

    Age spot ERASER-finally one that works fast and does more than reduces, it eliminates

    I have tried no less than 12 age spot treatments from $150 bottles in department stores to $6 bottles in the drugstores, and most of them worked to reduce spots. Lumene erased my spots. Within one week I could tell the difference wasn't just wishful thinking, or maybe getting a little bit better-my face was less splotchy. Now, after three weeks following the directions, my face is porcelain like an advertisement I just have four faint spots.
    humectra | 1 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  35 of 36 people said helpful

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