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  • 13 Best Face Powders

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  • 10

    This Does Work

    I gave the lipstick line a low grade as they just never work for me, these are another story completely. They simply look fabulous! High shine, hydrating and lasts a good while. The best lip gloss available, though have to say NYX comes fairly close and at a much smaller price. However, If you want the best, this is it to me. Worth the extra money,
    Alana_Danes | 58 reviews

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  • 6

    Review subject

    Pretty, but was too sticky. Came in several beautiful shades. Really expensive for the quality.
    kc99012 | 58 reviews

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  • 13 Best Face Powders

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  • 10

    Best ever!!!!!

    K I went to MAC the other day to get make up for my grad and this girl told me to try this gloss on, I did and it is perfect!!!!! When I tried others NONE looked as good as the one the girl gave me! But they are sticky. Other than that they are like the best!!! :D
    Mikhayla23 | 2 reviews

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