The Fashion Spot Momtastic

MAC Iridescent Powder/Loose

13 Best Face Powders

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  • 6

    makeup lova

    ladies im now offering MAC pigment samples for $0.99 on my site
    zoey_mae | 20 reviews

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  • 8

    Wonderful present

    I received this as a present a few years ago, and it is just like on day one. It is really sparkly, and I have it in Sweetie pie.
    Sternchen | 20 reviews

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  • 12 Best Mineral Makeup Products

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  • 10

    A Ton of Product

    I bought this shimmer powder for an eyeshadow and highlighter my senior year in HS, 6 years ago! It still looks like I haven't used any of it. It's the softest, most lovely glow. I use the Bronze shade.
    scandalousbeauty | 84 reviews

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