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12 Best Makeup Primers

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  • 10

    MaryKay Lip Primer

    I feel that this is a great product. You must let it dry before adding the lipstick over it. I am amazed at how long my lipstick looks fresh. It also prevents bleeding, but must let it dry before adding the lipstick. I originally got it to use for singing performances, where I did not want my make-up to fade during the 1-2 hours on stage. It lasts much longer than that! I am very disappointed that they are no longer carrying it.
    JAS2 | 1 reviews

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  • 2

    Don't Bother

    The tube is so small and expensive and it wasn't easy to put on only a little bit. It felt like one application went through 1/8 of the product. Also, I really didn't see any results. Basically it just functioned as an expensive chap stick. skip it!
    christinesn | 10 reviews

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  • 12 Best Primers for Long-Lasting Eye Makeup

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  • 9

    I love it

    I do not sale MK however I use to for like a month..I'm just not into that tupe of sales but I fell in love with this product. I felt like it helped with the skin around my lips. I was surprised to see such a low rating.
    Alys | 1 reviews

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