The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    Great tonic

    It feels nice on skin, balances it out very well, and cleans everything face wash did not. Can feel very slightly dry.
    inqanta | 21 reviews

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  • 10

    Excellent tonic!

    I've tried lots of toners, but this one leaves my skin feeling clean but not dry at all. I can feel it working in and on my pores which look smaller once I've used it. I've only been using it for about two weeks, but I wouldn't be without it now.
    cbranner | 1 reviews

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  • 22 Best Toners and Astringents

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    love on first sweep

    I've switched over to Origins products from Clinique after I found out that Clinique was causing my break outs. I used to use the clarifying lotion 2 and it cleaned my face really well but left a greasy feel... NOT UNITED STATE though! It works so well to clean what you missed while cleansing. My face feels so clean and smooth after the first sweep of the cotton ball. The dry areas of my face moreels moisturized, but my oily t-zone just feels smooth and non-greasy. It would get a pefect ten stars if they made it in a bigger size. I go through my bottle so quick!
    yukitea | 18 reviews

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  • 9

    Great for oily / combination skin

    This tonic is great at leaving my oily / combination skin feel fresh and clean. I don't use it every day, but it does a great job and lasts - a great value.
    Pomona2006 | 31 reviews

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  • 9


    I have combination skin - it can get dry in the winter and oily in the summer. I've always used a toner after I wash my face to help keep my skin balanced. However, Origins United State Balancing Tonic is the first toner/tonic I've used that I feel doesn't dehydrate my face or smell strongly of alcohol. I also notice that it helps to clean up excess oil and dirt on my face that washing and moreing didn't take care of. I've been using it since December and I really like the results I've noticed in my complexion.
    rugbykyra | 20 reviews

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  • 10

    United States Toner

    I have note used a toner for years, and i love the product,it leaves my skin feeling very soft and clean, not dry feeling at all.
    12345678 | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    I am convinced!

    I have not used an astringent since the days of Sea Breeze. This tonic is wonderful! It removes all the impurities cleansers leave behind, balances out my combination skin, and leaves your skin so fresh and clean.
    Shannyrose1 | 59 reviews

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  • 10

    No contest

    I've tried all kinds of skin care products from Clinique to Mary Kay and I've fallen in love with Origins. The United State toner doesn't burn like other toners and it leaves my skin feeling fresh and clean. FINALLY, something that works! I don't leave home without it!
    Bertinellie | 5 reviews

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    A refreshing tonic

    This product cleans superbly and leaves my skin refreshed and cool.
    gjgillis | 3 reviews

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