The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Origins Never A Dull Moment Skin-Brightening Face Polisher with Fruit Extracts

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  • 9

    spa like

    Great smell, great consistency and gets the job done with lasting effects. I like to use this on freshly cleaned skin and with a tiny amount of water. My skin feels fresh, tight and soft afterwards. I also think it helps to take a very warm wash cloth and rinse your face after rinsing the scrub off. Just removes any left over stuff and leaves no need for a toner afterwards!
    fatima07 | 15 reviews

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  • 10

    My Favorite Exfoliator

    This is one of my top Origins products-been using it for years now, about once a week, and it smells kinda yummy, like a fruit spread that you would put on your toast. It does a good job at exfoliating your face and the little seed-like enzymes feel extra good against your skin. I usually leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse off. Leave my face looking brighter and fresher.
    Kamala_Kirk | 43 reviews

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