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Dr. Denese HydroShield Ultra Moisturizing Face Serum

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  • 10

    Love this stuf!!!

    Ive been using this for about 2 years now. Ive tried sooo many other face products and I just love this! Its a bit pricey, but I buy when she has a sale or from QVC. Its non greasy and my skin has improved alot. I was beginning to have lines and a deep crease on my forehead and my skin has improved dramatically! I use this and the hyroshield eye cream and a few other of her products. My forehead morerease is hardly there anymore. I have very sensitive skin and this did not make me break out like almost everything else. Great product. Goes on like an oil but sinks in to a great matte finish. I actually use this as my makeup primer and its the best. I used to have to spend money on other products, but this does it all. My primer is just sitting there, this is way better.
    Doxiemom4 | 19 reviews

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