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bareMinerals Weather Everything Liner Sealer

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  • 10

    have no fear...Weather Everything Liner Sealer is here!

    You don't have to fear humidity, rain, sweat. When They say Weather everything, they mean it. It's a great product. The little wells to mix the sealer and the product is great and convenient. I use this product with my liner shadow even when I don't have weather to fear. It makes applying liquid liner 10 times easier. It helps the liquid liner to set rather quickly which means no worries of moreat a mess will happen if you blink after applying the liner. It's a great price for such an amazing value. It's made a world of difference.
    mackjen | 8 reviews

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  • 7

    I might still have to master this

    I've had my weather everything for awhile, and it might be I can get the consistency down. But here everyone is giving a higher star, but when I put this one is looks a bit cakey. I've tried all different kinds of brushes, but same result. I like the fact in comes with 3 mixing wells and full instructions. But for now I'm gonna keep trying.
    Elmareeh | 17 reviews

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