The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Global Goddess Exotic Eyes Lash Building Mascara

12 Worst Mascaras

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  • 10

    Amazing Mascara!

    Love this mascara. Does what it's supposed to do and looks great. A must for any makeup bag!
    beautyinreallife | 14 reviews

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  • 10

    just amazing

    this is the best eye lash builder for those that have short eye lashes. it holds and gives a natural look to ur eyelashes..just great.
    angelface | 10 reviews

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  • 10 Best Mascaras -- EVER

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 9

    Must Try

    I have average eye lashes, and have always longed for the movie star lashes. I even went so far as to get eyelash extentions and all my eye lashes fell out! This mascara truly does work. Its worth the extra cash that you would not spend at the local drug store. It also washes off with ease and I have experienced no breakage with this product.
    AmyStreet | 2 reviews

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