The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Redken Scalp Relief Dandruff Control Shampoo

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  • 10

    Great Product

    I started use this product when I notice my scalp was getting itchy with massive flakes. I apply this only to my scalp while my hair is still dry. (I have a fear of dandruff shampoo drying out my ends.) I usually massage it on and let it set for five minutes then wash out. Within the first use, I've notice a difference. I only use this product once every two weeks or so and still see the improvements.
    LindseyFaz | 8 reviews

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  • 10

    It works!

    Everything I have ever used has left me very itchy and uncomfortable. This worked from day one . I have been using it for about one month. definetly reccommended :)
    Lorim321 | 1 reviews

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