The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Avene Diacneal Lotion

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  • 2

    Ineffective and irritating

    This product made my skin red and irritated. It also made my breakouts worse, not better.
    queenofthewest | 8 reviews

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  • 11 Worst Face Moisturizers

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  • 10

    Worked Great for me

    I always have one or two blemishes on my skin and quite a bit of congestion under my skin on my jawline. I didn't want anything too harsh or too drying because I didn't want the rest of my skin to be thrown off kilter. I love this product. It helped smooth up the bumps along my jawline without irritating the rest of my skin. I used it as my night cream. Just remember to use a lotion with SPF during the day beacause it does have a form of retinol in it.
    LahRah | 4 reviews

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