The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Bliss Sleeping Peel Resurfacing Gel

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  • 7

    not enough bang for the buck

    I bought this product because it was on clearance online, so I gave it a try. It has a nice rosey smell to it and is very gentle (i.e. doesn't sting on contact). I just did not see any results from use. I have oily skin so I need a toner or astringent after I wash my face to get all the oil. But this product didn't make me feel like it did anything. Just my opinion. If I had paid full price, would have been upset.
    itsadoozie | 88 reviews

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  • 10

    Great Product!

    This didn't tingle for me, but I have heavy duty skin. I take great care of my skin and this is one product I will never do without. I apply it at night before I moisturize/treat. It takes a moment for it to sink in. My fine lines are diminished, pores are smaller, and my skin just looks glowy and wonderful. Pricey but it comes in a large bottle that lasts a long time. Love it!!!
    VanessaSue | 29 reviews

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  • 10

    thumbs up

    Love this stuff!!! I too got it on sale at bliss website and I think Im going to buy more before its gone. It is the best toner Ive ever used cuz it does not sting my skin and is still refreshing. Love that its a gel too- great formulation. I think they are discontinuing this which is a bummer:(
    audmac | 23 reviews

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