The Fashion Spot Momtastic

California Baby Super Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash

21 Best Body Washes

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    I was so hesitant to buy this product and I'm so happy I finally did. Love how it has a clean scent( feel like fragrance free products smell clean and simple no strong perfumes) great for my sensitive skin. I came out of the pool yesterday and I used this shampoo since it almost has the same ingredients as swimmer's defense. I love the packaging it's cute and happy. Great for rye makeup remover. moret removes my heaviest eye makeup and Bo sever tears. This product is just amazing you can do so many things with it!
    candyxoxo | 15 reviews

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    All in one product!

    This is an amazing product that not only is terrific for my 8 month old daughter, but perfect for my skin as well! I use California Baby Super Sens. Wash to cleanse my face and remove make up. It does not strip, or dry my sensitive skin out- but leaves it soft, clean, and balanced. Used as my daily shampoo, my hair is soo clean and shiny. I feel like my hair looks the best its ever looked after using this paired with the conditioner. Try it, you will not be disappointed!
    adar310 | 4 reviews

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