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Decleor Harmonie - Gentle Soothing Cream for Face

Decleor Harmonie - Gentle Soothing Cream for Face

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  • 10

    a friend of sensitive skin

    I have very sensitive, dry skin. This cream soothes any irritation my skin may be experiencing. It also is an excellent moisturizer. Keeps my skin looking it's best. It absorbs in quickly. A boon to those of us with sensitive skin all the way around. A good value for the price.... a little goes a long way. Nice classical, pretty packaging.
    rohnertpanda | 73 reviews

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  • 10


    This product is truly soothing to my sensitive/Rosaceous skin. It's has a lux feel but leaves behing no greasy residue. I bought for night-time use (augmenting other Decleor products) but have found it great for day use when applied with a sunblock. I'm so glad I took the chance on Decleor (quite expensive), I've yet to be dissapointed. Also, this cream feels extraordinary when chilled (really, I keep it in the fridge).
    nicci4694 | 25 reviews

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  • 10

    love it!

    There are not many products that are suitable for my dry, extremely sensitive skin, so when I find one I get really excited. This cream has a rich consistency that still manages to absorb well, and leaves my skin feeling smooth and very well hydrated. It has a nice herbal scent that come from the natural plant oils (there is no fragrance added). It soothes my irritation, and I can even use it around my eyes. Yay for Decleor!
    pippilotta77 | 30 reviews

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