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Decleor Lotion Matifiante - Matifying Lotion - Visage Face

Decleor Lotion Matifiante - Matifying Lotion - Visage Face

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  • 10

    Excellent Oil Control

    This gives my skin a great matte, oil free look. Most toners irritate my skin or do nothing at all but this great starter toner after cleansing with Decleor Gel Cleanser for oily skin snd blemish control enables my Decleor Matte moisterizer to keep skin moist, oil free and hydrated. The best product line I have tried for immediate, positive results all day and night.
    suzan_zahzam | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    The best toner I've found for oily/sensitive skin!

    A wonderful toner for oilier, sensitive skin. Removes any left-over traces of cleanser. Tones, smoothes and exfoliates. Helps to control oil without drying out skin. Very soothing, yet extremely effective. Works great with Decleor cleansing gel.
    Svenskaflicka | 18 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 3 people said helpful

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