The Fashion Spot Momtastic

GloMinerals gloBronze

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  • 8


    The entire Glo Line is great, that being said.. THIS bronzer is superb!! If you have oily skin I wouldn't suggest this product because of the shimmer effect it has... But if you have normal to dry skin I'd say go for it! It has the most beautiful glo and adds a hint of sun kissed color to your face.. its just a great product! Only apply it to where the sun hits or you'll look like you glow in the moredark. Also, you can swipe your brush or finger into the ligther color of the two and use it as a highlighter..just a tidbid for you:)
    MakeupPro | 9 reviews

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  • 10

    Love love love

    Completely natural and lightweight; I use it in place of blush every day. I get tons of compliments on my skin tone too. It looks especially gorgeous when you're in the sun :)
    Lynds23 | 1 reviews

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  • 12 Best Mineral Makeup Products

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    This product is great! Yes it is expensive, but you get what you pay for. Hi quality bronzer baby!
    sweetpea2010 | 3 reviews

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