The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Revision Teamine Eye Complex

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    waste of money

    another expensive useless cream-if you want moisturizer, buy avocado and almond oil and mix them-a lot cheaper that way. As for dark circles,which is why I bought it-useless, same for my daughter. Doesn't work for dark spots anywhere for that matter.
    mst | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    I've seen results

    I genetically have dark circles under my eyes and I am always on the look out for the "fix it" under eye cream. This was recommended to me by my dermatologist who actually warned me that not everyone sees results with this product. I have really seen a difference since I started using this and my under eye area is much brighter. The down side is the cost, so I'm still always on the look out for cheaper alternatives.
    Lulu81 | 8 reviews

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    Glad my Derm office had samples (Don't waste your hard earned MONEY)

    DON'T WASTE your hard earned MONEY! Get samples if possilble. I asked my derm what would help my purplish eyes. I have server allergies and get what my mom always called racoon eyes. At times I look as though I have black eyes, but don't. Got some samples from my derm's office. He said the girls in the office rave about this cream. First day no proglem by day two it was burning. I don't morenow if it works or not. made my skin burn. I washed my face again and put a dab of aloe from the fridge on, the redness it had caused is gone and my purplish circles looked worse than before I tried it. Guess I just stick to concealers.
    Tigereye | 8 reviews

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