The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Loose Shimmer Bronzer

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  • 5


    love the bronze goddess powder. HATE the brush. it leaves little black hairs all over you after usage. No matter how many time you use it, it never gets better. Every time i purchase it, I hope they improve the brush. never do. Kind of questionable why you have short 1inch to half inch black hairs on your neck/face. PLEASE FIX Estee lauder. I have been using a sponge like brush I got from laura gellar's baked collection for frosting. LOVE the PRODUCT. BRUSH is THE WORST.
    amstath7 | 12 reviews

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  • 10


    This is a great bronzer that does not look orange. It stays on well and does not look cakey. It gives you a hint of sun all day long. It is great to add on slowly in "layers" so you can control your "tan"! Love, love, love it and can not live without it year round!
    cat7271 | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Nice color

    This bronzer has a nice color tone for my skin and it stays put all day. Worth the money.
    jen2255 | 65 reviews

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