The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Parissa Wax Strips Assorted Size

15 Best Hair Removal Products

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  • 7

    The best for a newbie like me

    I like this product because with jarred hot waxes I left a mess everywhere and my hands stuck to everything! This are very clean wax strips that completely remove body hair without the mess or running between the microwave and bathroom. My only concern was lining up the wax correctly, the strips have a non-wax border that make my judgment difficult. I have fair, but thick body hair.
    litleragdoll | 5 reviews

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  • 10


    I typically get my eyebrows threaded at Gloss in Silver Lake. (Go there. The woman who does brows is awesome!) But aside from brows, I have been waxing at home. Insane? Well, maybe in the past when at-home waxing meant cooking up a batch of hot wax in your microwave, pouring it all over yourself, while cutting up waxing strips. Sounds like something Body of Evidence-era Madonna would have been morey into. Now at-home waxing is easy and simple, thanks to Parissa Natural Hair Removal System. Their products are gentle, natural, and leave your skin salon-smooth for weeks. Parissa's Wax Strips are so easy to use and perfect for beginners. The Wax Strips are pre-coated with salon wax, so there is no spreading and no mess. To use the Strips, you just warm them up in your hands, peel the strip, press on in the direction of hair growth, and quickly pull off in the opposite direction. Voila! No more hair. Parissa also includes Azulene Oil After Care in their waxing kits. This finishing oil soothes and cleans skin after hair removal, reduces redness, and prevents ingrown hair. I always get really red after waxing, but Azulene helped my skin return to normal more quickly than usual. I give this product a big A+! Love it.
    haironthebrain | 17 reviews

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  • 10 Worst Hair Removal Products

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  • 10

    Fabulous for Sensitive Skin

    These strips remove the finest hairs & the azulene oil truly helps remove any residue left on your skin.
    imaladybug | 14 reviews

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