The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Crabtree & Evelyn Skin Care Routine Balancing Toner

22 Best Toners and Astringents

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  • 10

    very refreshing

    This toner feels great. It is very refreshing and it makes me happy when I use it, silly but true.
    kimmi_o | 71 reviews

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  • 9

    Misting Magic

    I use it when I get out of the shower, but mostly it's a fabulos pick-me-up. The spray is more a mist so I don't feel drenched. I spray it over my make-up it revitalizes my face and make-up. It is also very very useful on trans-atlantic flights because its gentle, has a light scent and sprays just enough for my face and neck without the risk of offending those around me.
    maggiemagpie | 4 reviews

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  • 10

    This really works

    I lOve this ,itdoes exactly what it says it will do,Very good deal for the money and last a long time
    buff5698 | 27 reviews

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