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TIGI Bed Head Superficial

11 Best Shine Serums and Sprays

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  • 10

    Awesome product

    I spray one shot on my hands then rub them together then rub on the ends of my hair... it does provide great shine and leaves my hair very luxurious looking! However, you do have to wash your hair the next day otherwise it will look greasy (at least mine does).
    dollyd | 8 reviews

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  • 10

    One of TIGI's BEST!!!

    Use this product correctly and it does exactly what it is supposed to do. The spray bottle evenly distributes the product through the hair. Amazing shine that lasts. A must have for color treated hair.
    kathie29 | 78 reviews

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  • 15 Best Heat Styling Products

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  • 10

    Awesome Product

    This is truly magic! True, you don't want to use too much, and definitely don't spray close to roots or it will be greasy. However, use 2-3 strategic sprays on ends, comb through, blow dry and style, and you will have luxurious silky hair without a fly-away in sight. Use sparingly and it's fantastic!
    DramaticDiva | 52 reviews

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