The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Shiseido White Lucent Concentrated Brightening Serum

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  • 8

    does what it claims!

    i used this product and in about two weeks my dark spots got lighter, i also had sun spots which took longer to get lighter, but they got lighter, i dont think this product made most of my dark spots or acne disappear but just made them lighter or less noticeable which i liked, but wasn't extremely happy about because for the price i want them gone. i used it for a couple months already, but once morei stopped using it for about 1-2 weeks and i noticed that my sun spots were re-appearing so i started using it again. i wish it wasn't so expensive because i feel like i have to keep applying it even when the spots are gone so they don't reappear. over all it does do what it claims!
    swtnss | 33 reviews

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  • 5


    I switched over to DDF's fade gel instead. This didn't seem to have a noticeable effect on me after a month of use, but my acne scars are already pretty light. (Side note: DDF's fade gel also hasn't performed any miracles yet)
    PandiKhan | 15 reviews

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  • 10


    If you have post acne scars or sun damaged dark spots on your face and you're hopeless, this peoduct is made for you. I've been using it for several days and I've noticed great difference in my post acne scars and sun spots from vacaying in California. They're noticeably disappearing. It doesn't irratate your skin, it glides on with a silky texture, not greasy. The price is surely expensive but it's worth it.
    Glamorous | 149 reviews

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