The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Shiseido Brilliant Bronze Quick Self-Tanning Gel

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9 Best Self-Tanners

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  • 8

    Great "Week Day" Self Tanner

    I really like this self tanner when I want to get a quick, no-hassle tan. This is an alcohol based formula, which means it dries extremely fast. In fact, I know of no other self tanner that dries as fast! After about 6 hours, this product gives me a nice, light-to-medium glow. The smell isn't too bad either :)
    BriannaSmith | 5 reviews

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  • 16 Best Bronzers

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 10

    Great tanner!

    I love this self-tanner. I don't get streaks, it dries quickly, and doesn't have a strong odor. Need I say more? Oh, and the color is fabulous!
    Nann | 5 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  5 of 8 people said helpful

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