The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Slatkin & Co. The Perfect Autumn 12-pack Scented Tealight Candles Winter

Slatkin & Co. The Perfect Autumn 12-pack Scented Tealight Candles Winter

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    No one creates a seasonal fragrance with more artistry and integrity than Harry Slatkin. The scent is always pure, authentic, whether it brings to mind the South Seas or, in this case, a lovely winter's day. This Winter candle from Slatkin's The Perfect Christmas Collection has all the freshness of a walk through the woods - the aroma is a blend of pine and bay leaf with a touch of cinnamon. It' mores brisk yet warm, relaxing. The candle is white, pure as newly fallen snow and housed in a handsome heavy silver glass container while the gift box is decorated with silver snowflakes and pine boughs. It takes all the bluster out of Old Man Winter, leaving instead a pleasing outdoors fragrance while we're snuggled warm and safe indoors. Gail
    gailcooke | 31 reviews

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