The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Clinique Bronzer/Blender Brush

7 Makeup Brushes You Actually Need

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  • 9

    Big Brush, Great Blending

    I just purchased this brush and I love it. It blends wonderfully. I use it to blend a light powder over my face once I'm done applying my make-up. I also use it to apply a light dusting of blush. I absolutely love it.
    Shelby75 | 5 reviews

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  • 13 Best Makeup Tools

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  • 9

    Good when you get used to its size!

    This is a big brush! Its easier to apply bronzer evenly with such a huge brush, but don't count on using it to contour. I do like its size for bronzing my chest, neck, and shoulders, however. Use the Clinique brush cleanser to condition and clean it.
    lindz990 | 125 reviews

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