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Nexxus Keraphix Restorative Strengthening Conditioner

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    Nexxus Keraphix Conditioner

    I have used this product for years - it is one of the best conditioners out there, and I have tried many. I use it once a week, usually on a Sunday. For daily shampoo, I use Nexxus Therappe, and after shampoo, I use Nexxus Humectress often as a detangler (leave on about a minute), or sometimes as a conditioner (leave on two to three minutes). Keraphix is an excellent hair reconstructor, but more should only need it about once a week. Be sure and use high-quality products when styling, too, especially non-alcohol-based products, such as a bit of Chi oil, a little mousse, etc. - Richard
    richard_adams | 1 reviews

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