The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Fekkai Styling Gel

Fekkai Styling Gel

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  • 10

    Perfect gel

    Well, I don't know why but FF has apparently discontinued this gel. It was the perfect gel for a really natural look. It was never sticky, didn't make you hair stiff, but held your style all day and into the next day. What were they thinking at FF. I don't need its replacement, which is supposed to be HAIR SPRAY or VOLUMIZING MOUSSE or blow dry repair stuff. Noneof that works for me. Bring it back, please!!!
    pinkydinkydo | 6 reviews

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  • 8

    Not greasy

    Though a little pricey I really love this stuff. It helps keep the fly aways down on my curly hair without being greasy or heavy. Also helps give a good shine
    tegaro | 9 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 4 people said helpful

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