The Fashion Spot Momtastic

JOICO K-PAK Leave-In Protectant

10 Worst Conditioners

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  • 5

    Ehhh...just okay.

    Terribly overpriced for a ho-hum product! I used this product for 2 months....never was impressed. It's not horrible but I'd take a leave in from Pantene over this any day of the week. Nothing reconstructive about it, its just there. And the K-PAK shampoo and conditioner are AWFUL! So my advice, avoid this product line!
    KristaFranks | 8 reviews

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  • 3

    Don't like it

    I don't think it's worth the money.
    criesmeyer | 10 reviews

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  • 24 Best Conditioners

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  • 9


    Allthough the product is marketed for pre-damage pevention, I used it when my hair was over styled and color damaged. It worked wonders! JUST USING it once a week and leaving it on for roughly 15 minutes before rinsing really restored a lot of my healthy hair. The product does not do that much for undamaged hair.
    idlechic24 | 4 reviews

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