The Fashion Spot Momtastic

GoSMILE Jet Set Travel Kit

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6 Best and Worst Teeth Whiteners

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    More than I've ever spent

    This product cost more than I've ever spent on a travel toothbrush kit. It did, however, make my teeth feel fresh and squeeky clean. I was able to carry it in my purse for an unexpected night spent at my man-friend's apartment. Whether it truly whitens my teeth remains to be seen.
    MlleButterfly | 6 reviews

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  • 14 Worst-Teeth Cities

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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    I love the flavors and the product is perfect for travel! I do think the price point is a little high for what it is and that toothpaste doesn't do anything to whiten the teeth. Still its perfect for travel!
    DyDark | 20 reviews

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