The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Joico Daily Conditioner

Joico Daily Conditioner

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    But not as good as Moisture Recovery. This one smells really fruity, like pineapple. Not too fruity like those cheap shampoos that reek. It works pretty well, nice and thick. I don't like it as a leave-in conditioner like it said at the back. It feels like it sits on my hair and does nothing but make it feel wet. It's still ok though, just not as good as moisture recovery - the blue one.
    YFB | 125 reviews

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  • 24 Best Conditioners

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  • 9

    lightweight and great detangling

    I actually use this conditioner as a leave in after shampooing. Detangles well and keeps the curl without weighing it down.
    alexb49 | 7 reviews

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