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  • 10

    Holy grail of hairspray

    Best hairspray! Doent get dry and stiff. Holds all day even in summer or when its windy. Smells fantastic
    Msnikki | 3 reviews

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  • 9


    This is a great hairspray. I doesn't get sticky and holds hair in place. Has a nice smell too.
    nancy_r_pullam | 2 reviews

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  • 10

    Love it

    Can't live without this! I have fine hair that does not have much hold, so if I curl my hair 10 minutes later it will be flat. This hairspray has alot of hold, not very hard, and I like the smell.
    sweetlemons | 4 reviews

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  • 10

    Holds Great...

    I love this hair spray. It holds all day even if it's windy outside hair stays in place.
    CathyW2 | 7 reviews

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  • 10

    The best for keeping hair in place

    With this spray I do not have to worry about what my hair will look like later in the day. It definately has a maximum hold & I like it that they do not test on animals!
    lbspicey | 9 reviews

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