The Fashion Spot Momtastic
Joico Color Endure Leave-In Protectant

Joico Color Endure Leave-In Protectant

21 Best Hair Treatments

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  • 10

    Love this stuff!

    I discovered this product when I found it for 50% off at a local beauty store. I decided to try it after shampooing and conditioning my hair out of the shower. It left my hair super silky and full of body and shine. The funny thing was, that after spraying it on, I noticed that it made my slightly wavy hair more curly! The next day I did notice my hair looked a little bit oily,so the next time more used it, I did not condition my hair, I just used Joico Leave-in Protectant instead and it did not leave my hair feeling oily at all the next day. This product will surely be one of my staples from now on! I can't believe how shiny, healthy and full of body it makes my hair feel. I got a bargain at half off, but will gladly pay full price for something this good! Haven't used this product long enough to tell if it reduced color fade or not, but I do notice when I curl or blow dry my hair, it still feels and looks as soft and shiny as before.
    Midwestgal | 1 reviews

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  • 3


    This product I myself did not really like.I thought the bottle itself was a misake because it was hard to pump..Also it didnt really do a great job.My hair was more oily and I felt unclean..More positive was that it did have a nice scent??
    Dakodarene | 4 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  2 of 2 people said helpful

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