The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Joico Body Luxe Thickening Shampoo

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  • 6

    Dint make a whole lotta difference

    I bought this shampoo after researching for a good product for my fine hair. I wasnt that happy with the results, expecting better. You can get same results by using Ogx keratin shampoo, why to pay more $$
    Beats | 2 reviews

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  • 8

    Pretty Good

    I bought this at Marshall's for $7.99. I initially wanted it because my friend used to use it and she always loved it. plus the price was much lower than full price so i didnt feel like i was spending too much. I used this with the same conditioner and i immediately noticed a difference after my first use. My hair was much softer and silkier to touch. I don't know that it gave me much "body" or moreickened my hair at all. I would have to use it a few more times consistently to see. I think it smells good. I probably would only buy it again if I found it for the same price. I don't see the point of spending $15+ on a not very big bottle of shampoo/conditioner. No matter what kind of miracle it would provide to my hair lol
    MandaaLinda11 | 12 reviews

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  • 8

    Great product

    I like this allot. It cleans and leavemy hair soft without weighing it down. It smells good. Its a little pricey but i think its worth it since it doesnt destroy my hair. Will buy again. I want to tru some of their styling products as well
    md1974 | 7 reviews

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