The Fashion Spot Momtastic
La Prairie Cellular Microdermabrasion Cream

La Prairie Cellular Microdermabrasion Cream

10 Best At-Home Microdermabrasion Products

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  • 10


    i am a BIG fan of la prairie i will NEVER EVER stop buying this product it is really the BEST microdermabrasion exfoliating cream in the world!!! but its not for VERY sensetive skin but i really can't live without this one it just makes your skin feel soooooooo soft and look beautiful and GLOWING!!! i use this on a DAMP SKIN(I am able to work the product into my skin alot easier when my moren is wet,and rub for about a minute) I also do this in the shower as its esier to rinse off that way. after i use this i put on top of my face the la prairie "Cellular Softening & Balancing Lotion" (its a must as it sooths and takes care of the reddness) trust me,THIS WILL GIVE YOU AMAZING RESULTS. and i will die if they stop making this! lol sarai from israel:-) p.s. sorry for my spelling errors
    sarai | 23 reviews

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  • 7


    great product
    qazpol | 145 reviews

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