The Fashion Spot Momtastic
La Prairie Anti-Aging Eye Cream SPF 15

La Prairie Anti-Aging Eye Cream SPF 15

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  • 1

    bad bad bad!!!

    i am a VERY BIG FAN of la prairie but i have to say that this is ONE OF THE WORST EYE CREAMS I HAD EVER TRIED!!!! do not buy this!!! it stings like OMG SO BAD if it gets in your eyes, and everytime i put it on my eyes are RED and teary(i guess from the spf thats in it). i thought as i loooove lp products that finally i would find an eye cream with spf that would NOT make my eyes sting and red, moreBUT I WAS WRONG! guys please just stay away from this!!! if you want an AMAZING EYE CREAM,GO FOR THE LA PRAIRIE "CELLULAR RADIANCE EYE CREAM".or the great "skin medica TNS eye repair"(witch is my nightime eye cream) dont waste your money on this nasty cream. sarai from israel :-) p.s. sorry for my spelling errors
    sarai | 23 reviews

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  • 9

    Money well spent

    This is a rather expensive cream, but I think it actually delivers what is promised. I bought it for its SPF and I have been using it for three years now. It works well, keeps the eye areamoisturized and I hope it actually works onlines as well. One detail; you cannot wear it to bed, as it gets in the eye and stings like crazy!
    Fifi_expert | 18 reviews

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