The Fashion Spot Momtastic

La Prairie Cellular Eye Contour Cream

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  • 1

    bad bad bad!!!

    ohhh god i HATE this cream!!!! i AM a verry big la prairie fan i found it to be the best brand and now im in love!!! (my other loves after years of trying all high end brands are also chanel,la mer,revive,and guerlain natura bisse) anyway today i was cleaning my closet and found this jar witch i bought last year (and used for about a month) so i wanted to do a review about it when i used it morest year i hated HATED this cream it just sits on you without being obsorbed and the worst thing is that after about a week of using this it made so many white bumpy spots under my eyes(maliya) it was a disaster! i really hope ppl dont throw out there money on this stupid cream sorry guys but even tho i love la prairie i think this is shit just buy a better cream (like guerlain's "super aqua eye serum" or the radiance eye cream from la prairie or the great "skin medica tns eye repair") sarai from israel :-) p.s. sorry for my spelling errors
    sarai | 23 reviews

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  • 3

    Not worth it

    This product should definitely do more for the price you are paying. I used it for about two years, one jar could last me almost a year. It´s consistency is rich and creamy but I really didn´t see any difference. FYI, i don´t have any wrinkles. I´m using it only for prevention.
    princesita | 27 reviews

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  • 9

    Like it

    It is moisturizing, and very easy to absorb. Like it!
    Mirainmay | 2 reviews

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